English speaking
Therapist working
in Prague



Address: Ostrovského 253/3, 150 00 , Prague 5 – Anděl

Metro B: station Anděl, exit Na Knížecí (Ženské domovy)

Parking: Available (30 Kč per hour)

Mobile Phone: +420 774 223 515

Email: info@lenkacollins.cz

Blog: blog.lifeabroad.cz

Facebook: www.facebook.com/LifeAbroadBlog

LinkedIn: cz.linkedin.com/in/lenka-collins-072b849b

Contact form

If you prefer, you can email me confidentially using the following form:

Please specify when and how I can contact you back; unless specified otherwise I will assume I can reply to emails directly.

Tentative appointment request

Standard working hours: 7:30-11:00, 15:00-20:00. Sessions outside the standard working hours are available upon request.

Please specify when and how I can contact you back; unless specified otherwise I will assume I can reply to emails directly.